Stat porn

Just quick update on the last week or so's traffic and fundraising.

Because of xmas etc I'm looking at the last couple of weeks, with the first week's figs in brackets:

Page loads: 65 (76)
Unique visitors: 47 (46)
Returning: 12 (17)
Funds raised online: £25
Funds raised offline: £0
Total funds raised: £145

That's a sobering wake up call.

I did take the foot off the gas for fundraising after chrimbo as it's January and everyone's skint, so that's hopefully not too big a problem. I do need to think about how to generate more traffic and how to make sure I can turn that into donations.

The set up at the mo is this blog as an update, and the main site for more info. I need to think more about how this works.

I've currently got a feedreader streaming the RSS feed from here onto my homepage - the theory being that this keeps is fresh and updated so people see something new when/if they come back.

But if they're landing on the homepage and the feed is sending them to this blog, then they've moved away from the site where the info is about donating/helping etc. Not sure I can get widgets embedded in Blogger, but I guess I'm going to have to find out!

Ideas/suggestions/donations/expertise welcomed!

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