Shameless plea for donations

As yesterday was the last day of Jan, it meant it was that wonderful time when I, and crucially, my fellow workers get our meagre earnings dumped into our still-recovering-from-xmas bank accounts.

Now, despite volumes of evidence to the contrary, I'm not daft. Apart from a note announcing I was running (more to explain why I would be late for things due to aching limbs) I've not tried very hard to solicit donations from friends and colleagues during the last few fiscally challenging weeks.

So, in a moment of utter shamelessness I sent the following to people I work with:

Firstly, please please please don't hit "reply all"!
Secondly, let me take you on an imaginary journey. It's January. The nights are dark, the weather is horrible,and there is a general gloom and pessimistic air that follows the festive season (not to mention budget setting etc). Now imagine you were me. Running 4/5 times a week on the dark nights, in horrible weather. Dodging traffic, chased by bears/wolves etc. Not a nice image is it?
Why should you imagine this?
Because I agreed to run the London Marathon on 13 April.
I hate running.
I cant remember a day when I didn't ache.
Some of you have been following my progress on my website and blog (which is updated more frequently) and have already donated - a big thanks to you for that, I really do appreciate it. There have been times when could quite easily have given up, but the fact people have put their hands in their pockets to spare some of their hard earned money has kept me at it.
Now, the guilt trip:
I'm, running for Asthma UK which is a cause close to my heart. My better half has asthma, and January is always a time of year when it's worse for her (had to get her on the nebuliser twice in the last few weeks). It's not the sexiest cause, but every six hours, someone in the UK dies from asthma. Most people just think a few puffs on the inhaler and it's fine, but it doesn't work like that.
Anyway, I'm trying to raise as much as I can to help the cause, so I'm shamelessly sending this email to you in the knowledge that it's pay day.
In return you get to read my regular blog postings about how little I am enjoying myself, with the satisfaction of knowing that you are a direct cause of my suffering. Similarly, when you see me walking gingerly around the place as my legs feel like they are about to fall off, you'll know that it's down to you.
Donating is easy, there are links to my Justgiving page on both website and blog. Be warned though, despite what I thought, it does take the money out now, not when I've confirmed I've done it (another reason I can't give up - I'll end up having top repay people from my own pocket or something, and I'm from Yorkshire, so thats not my fave idea!!).
I've also got a sponsor form up here if you are of a similar Luddite persuasion to me and "don't trust machines".
That's it. Messages of support, advice or gentle mockery are welcomed.
That note generated an extra £100! Not bad for a few minutes "work".

Still got a long way to go though, so if you haven't donated visit my donations page or email me for other options.

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